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On 29 May Starbucks closes over 8,000 of its US stores to provide racial-bias education for its employees. This follows controversy around the arrest of two black men at one of its Philadelphia stores. The training is provided to over 174,000 employees with the aim to prevent discrimination in Starbucks stores. This comes two years after Starbucks was one of the first corporations to issue a sustainability bond, at USD 495.6 million. Starbucks is the world`s 4th largest coffee roaster by volume, responsible for 3% of global coffee sourcing. With initiatives such as its Coffee and Farmer Equity (C.A.F.E) standards, it aims to protect coffee suppliers against child labor, wage and health and safety violations, and work with farmers on environmental standards. Sustainability bonds allow issuers to use the proceeds for both environmental and social projects — a hybrid of a green bond and a social bond.